The Familiarity Factor for Your Books

Most people like to be in their comfort zone.

They like to feel comfortable because if they're not comfortable they will have to spend time and energy getting back to that place... and that means effort.

Most people try to avoid effort because it's easier not to have to do something, especially if it is something that is uncomfortable.

People are comfortable with familiar surroundings.

They know where they are, what to expect and they have (generally) adapted to where they are at that place even if it is a place of constant struggle.

Here's what's important for you and selling your books, taking into account what I've just said...

People buy books they are 'comfortable' buying.

Books that are familiar.

If you show someone a screen of book cover thumbnails and in that collection is a group of books that have a similar theme, author name, font, colors etc... their eyes will be drawn to that section of the screen.

Those books will instantly look 'familiar' because they are a collection rather than a random book here or there.

The reader will subconsciously think they are 'safer' considering those books rather than others because if it 'works out for them' they will be able to get more of the same from the same author.

It will be easier for them.

There will be less effort.

They will be able to stay within their 'comfort zone' with that author for longer.

They will have someone comfortable to follow.

It's crazy but humans really are a lot like sheep.

I should know - I live in New Zealand and there are sheep right throughout the country... everywhere you look.

If you cause one sheep to start running they will all start running... comfort in numbers.

And it is in the numbers that you will find comfort too with your books.

I get messages all the time from Kindling members who have suddenly had their 'break-through moment' and most of them don't know why it happened other than - they just released another book.

This is less likely to happen if you don't brand yourself and become 'familiar' to the readers of the world.

And I'm not talking any big deal here with branding - just the simple stuff that matters most,...

  • Consistent cover designs
  • Consistent and prominent style and placement of author name
  • Consistent book content... not Zombies today and Romance tomorrow
  • Consistent delivery of your books... fortnightly, monthly, 2 monthly or whatever suits your time and lifestyle limitations - not one today, one next week and another in 6 months or a year. It's a busy world and people don't like to wait - if they have to wait, then expect to do the same for your income!
I rarely go to the KBoards forum just because there is too much negativity and I don't choose to be associated with that in any aspect of my life, particularly in business where no, not and never are detrimental to dollars and cents/sense - common sense.

On the rare occasion when I take a look, I look at the cover images people have in their sig files and I'm not surprised when I read of a person struggling to make sales when all of their covers look like they have come from a lucky dip bin. 
Nothing consistent. 
Their brand speaks to me of confusion.

That says their books are likely to be the same.

A family friend showed me her book list a few weeks ago and the folder of covers looked like a patchwork... lots of color - lots of fonts, author name top/bottom/middle.
There was NOTHING consistent and her income was a mirror of the mess.

She did one thing - updated all the covers with consistent branding and BOOM - another person had their breakthrough.

Thankfully she had at least stuck to one genre.

Make it easy on yourself and don't get too clever with trying to reinvent your brand each time you put out a new book - you will confuse more than yourself.