A Better Way to Look at Kindle Unlimited

I've been thinking about Kindle Unlimited more than I would like to recently because some members aren't heeding my advice to keep their options open.

Because of that I've been getting an influx of emails from people who have put ALL their books into KU thinking they will make a bundle from borrows, only to be disappointed and concerned they have limited their options to promote because of the restrictions that come with KU.

In the KU training inside the KINDLING membership I show you what you can do if you're stuck.

Don't panic - you can create your own options as you will read in that training.

But here's what I think needs to be said so you have a better way at looking at KU as part of your business.

  • You still have to sell yourself... and 
  • You still have to sell your books.

KU members are paid members and they have already paid to have access to the books listed in their membership so if you start thinking that your books (those you're putting in KU) are yet more ASSETS in your business, you will be more likely to succeed.

You will be creating quality books, with good covers, blurbs that 'sell' your story, and you have the opportunity to do well.

The books will be part of Your Brand and that needs to be good.

KU is just another 'selling' platform so you need to have books that are worthwhile buying.

If you're writing books just to target income from KU - write books that are worth buying.

If you don't do that you will fail... if not now, then soon.

Write books that deserve to have a price on them.

Write books that will make you money from people who aren't in KU.

It's common sense but unfortunately when people get blinded by what seems an easy opportunity, sense is not all that common, and that's why so many people are making silly mistakes.

Keep a magnet out of KU.

If you haven't done that - then do it now... go back to the beginning and create the magnet you've locked up in KU so your options are once again restored.

If Kindle Unlimited has become Kindle Limited for you, look at the Magnets training in the membership and Un-Limit your business again.

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