
When you mention the word habit many people think of something negative.

Habits can be the best thing for your business if they're good ones.

Do something consistently for 30 days or more and you can develop a habit and if that habit is writing then you can develop a good long term, financially sustainable business.

I hear from Kindling members who tell me it's taken them months to write one book.
A good habit to write even 1000 words a day (which is super easy to do) will net 30k words a month.

It won't take months to write a book with even a 'small' habit like that.

The good thing about habits... once you get them they 'happen' effortlessly and just like bad habits, good ones are something you will do over and over again once you've developed that habit.

Rather than write thousands of words one day and none for a week or more - just do what's easy and aim for the habit of writing 1000 words a day.

I get emails from members that are longer than that :(

Try it

For one month

1000k words a day (or more) never less

It's easy and you will have developed a new and important business asset... your ability to do what's needed for ultimate success.