Confidence or Ability

A common email I get from people is their concern for their ability to succeed with publishing books.

For those who are doing it and have seen success, you will know already how simple it really is.

For those who have yet to start, or who are wallowing in self doubt here's a question...

What do you think is the most important... Ability or Confidence?

The answer is Confidence.


Because confidence will give you the correct mindset to do what needs to be done whether you have the ability or not.

And when you do that, your ability improves and your confidence grows and your ability continues to grow.

If you've just got the ability and no confidence to apply it, then that is a lost resource.
The ability it useless.
It's like owning a stolen piece of art that you can't show to anyone.

There are many Kindling Members now who have 6 figure incomes and none of them were accomplished writers before they started.

There are also many Kindling Members who have an amazing ability to write who have yet to put that gift into action.

The biggest gift we've all got is the opportunity to apply our current level of ability to something that only requires our current level of ability to get started.

What you have right now is what you need right now.

You have it all.

You don't need anything other than the start button and the belief that I already have in you.

Doubt is the Death of Many Dreams