What's ahead for you...

We're coming into the months where there will be a new influx of buyers wanting to read your books.

An email from a Kindling member today made me decide I need to, yet again, emphasize the importance of your Shop Front... your book covers.

From one month to the next while he hadn't completed any new books, he changed the covers of 3 of his current books and boosted his income TIMES 10


Just because his homemade covers were replaced with professional covers.

People buy stuff that looks good.
People buy stuff that looks professional.
If it looks professional the message they get is... It is professional.

You might think you can't afford a good cover but the reality is... you can't afford to not have a good cover.

It is an essential component in the saleability of your products - your books.

If you have to cut corners somewhere don't do it on your shop front.

You're probably thinking... 10 TIMES What?

If it was only $1 and he has now made $10 then that's no big deal.

The month prior he made $320.
The month after - 10 x $320

That puts into perspective the importance of investing money in your business.

The return can be significant.

It builds the whole brand.
And remember - this is a business that will feed you for a lifetime.

So that good investment will pay bigger and bigger dividends each day another sale is made.

The cost of that investment will be smaller and smaller as each sale is made.

THINK BUSINESS and you will make the right decisions.

That's it... I hope you had a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate it and if not, I hope you are thankful for the opportunity you have with this business of book publishing.

Each day you invest in your business... either time or money is an investment in your future.

And hurdles? Even the Berlin Wall came down in the end so keep chipping away at it just like the Beaver in the membership.

Have a great day
