Too Busy to do Everything? Do This!

Sometimes there are just too many things to do and not enough time.

It can feel like that with publishing, where you're writing, editing, deciding on book covers, choosing categories, keywords, writing blurbs and more. And then you decide to do some Facebook advertising but you need to learn more first and on and on and on.

The bottom line is... eventually you KNOW that you must do all these things but you should also remember that you can't do all of these things at once.

They all have their place in the queue of your life.

You also know that if you only had one thing to do you would concentrate on that, and get it done fast, because that's all you would have to think about.

You would be focused and focused means fast.

So here's what you have to train yourself to do.

ONE Thing at a time.

ONE Thing with total focus.

ONE Thing where, when you're doing it, nothing else is on your mind.

You will do that ONE thing, only thinking about that and nothing else, and in doing so, you will get to start that SECOND thing sooner.

And you will get to knock off that second thing sooner and then proceed to the next thing.

That is the ONLY way to push through the hurdle of having too much to do.

If you focus on Just ONE Thing, you will get many things done sooner, easier, with less stress and better results.

Your mind can STEAL a lot of time.
It can STEAL a lot of energy.
It can STEAL a lot of enthusiasm.
It can STEAL hope and confidence.

When you focus on ONE thing - the thing you're working on... with your body AND your mind, it can't steal anything because you're moving closer to a goal and goals are steps to success.

Your mind might wander, but you should bring it back to that ONE thing and as you get ONE thing after another done, you will build your confidence to get the next piece of your business (busy ness) out of the way sooner and closer to your ultimate goal.