Just Write - Right

I get emails from people who say they can't write.

Obviously they can otherwise I wouldn't have received their email :)

What is interesting is... the emails that come from the people who think they can't write, are the longest emails I get - so not only can they write, they can write a lot of words.

What's more interesting is... because I keep their emails, I can see that over the extended periods of time that these 'non-writers' write to me (some have been saying the same stuff to me for 2 1/2 years) their writing has improved.

Imagine if they put that effort into writing books rather than emails.

Here's what happened...

I got an email from a long time Kindling member who had been writing these 'I can't write' emails to me for months... so I tried a different approach.

I told him to give up. Throw in the towel. Forget about writing. Forget about creating a business and just concentrate on doing a good job for the boss he hated working for.

I copped a lot of abuse and for once I didn't 'restrain' myself as I so often do :)

I got an email over the weekend from the same person and when the name came up it already had a 'label' on it in my gmail account.

I thought... 'Here goes. More of the same' but I was wrong.

This person who had called me all the names under the sun had a screen shot of his income to show me.

I asked him what made him change and take action.

In one of my emails I asked him to think forward a few years and visualise Evan 1 and Evan 2.

Evan 1 wrote emails and worked for the man.
Evan 2 wrote books and worked for no man.
And I told him I would no longer be reading emails from Evan 1 because Geoff 2 was too busy.

He did send me one more email from Evan 1 and it went something like 'F Geoff 2.'

You have ONE Energy... the energy of YOU.

You get to Choose where you use that energy.

Where you choose can determine whether you win or lose.

With positive energy comes great rewards.

With negative energy comes a lack of anything worthwhile.

If you can't write a list of where you're going, then write a list of where you've been and when you look at that list, ask yourself... 'Am I happy with where I've been?'

If you are then you're on the right track.