Desperate Energy

Not a week goes by without an email from someone asking me if they can make X amount of dollars in X amount of time.
Whenever I see an email like that I think about desperate energy.
It's the energy that pushes things away from you.
It's the energy that causes mistakes to be made.
It's the energy that makes people stop before they get to the breakthrough point.
It's the energy that's like a sugar high... it's there for a very short time and then it's gone all too soon.
It's the energy that is counter productive to building a genuine business that doesn't require as much energy to operate profitably.
It's the same energy that pushes people away from one another and indirectly it does the same in business by pushing your customers away from you.
It's the energy that a lot of Internet Marketers have where they try to get people on their list to buy the next best thing week after week after week.
It's a fearful energy that is focused more on making a quick buck at the detriment of long term financial security.
It's a draining energy because the harder you try the further you push your ultimate goals away from you.
How do you re-energise yourself with the RIGHT energy?
Focus on delivering something that someone wants and they will reward you with positive feedback, positive results and the income you're after.
Do that and you won't be desperate.
You won't be pushing stuff down people's throats...
...and you will get to where you want to be a whole lot faster.
If only more people could look at the BIG picture rather than the pimple on the nose that looks like a mountain at this moment in time.

Have a great day